10 No Spend Date Ideas

It’s Saturday night and the baby’s asleep, naturally it has to be date night! Here are ten super simple no spend date ideas to keep the spark alive without leaving the house!

1. Watch a movie

This one is a go to, especially with the plethora of streaming services out there putting the theatre at your finger tips. Grab some popcorn and settle in for a movie date, while wearing your favorite pajamas on the couch.

2. Cook together

For some couples this is easier than others, but trust me, let the perfectionist mentality go and enjoy the experience! Plus an extra set of hands in the kitchen means you only have to do half the dishes, a win-win scenario.

3. Read together

Nothing is more relaxing than audiobooks, so why not take turns reading a book to each other? It sounds corny but it’s actually pretty fun, especially with a good book.

4. Watch a TED talk

I know it sort of falls into the first item on the list, but TED talks are usually thought provoking and moving, so why not watch one with your better half and get your brains moving?

5. Play a game together

Nothing is more fun than a friendly competition, find your favorite game and give it a spin! Whether it be go fish or catchphrase (our personal favorite) there’s no doubt laughter will ensue!

6. Listen to music

Take turns playing your favorite songs, chances are you’ll notice that some of them have become the same over your time together. I’ve always found something relaxing in just chilling out and listening to music, and it’s a great way to connect with my husband after a particularly rough week.

7. Step outside

Technically your outside of your house for this one, but sitting in the backyard with a baby monitor in one hand and adult beverage in the other is a great way to spend time together in the summer time. Have a fire, toast some marshmallows, and enjoy the fact your not constantly asking your baby to stop eating rocks.

8. Have a picnic

This one could be in your backyard or your living room, but lay out a blanket and enjoy some sandwiches without tiny hands trying to steal every bite.

9. Take up a hobby

Some hobbies can be done from home, a fun one my husband and I like to do is write! We will take on writing challenges or share what we’re working on, spending time working separately but together. Other potential hobby ideas that you could tackle from home could be yoga or cooking, whatever you both find interest in!

10. Take on a project

This may not sound fun, but working together on a project is not only unifying but gets everything done faster. Some people aren’t super into projects and that’s fine, but if you can make it fun, why not tackle the task together while you have the time.

Well that’s my top ten no spend date ideas, proving that date night doesn’t always have to be a dinner. What are some of your at home date ideas?

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